What is the best way to ensure that your hot tub stays clean and clear? Ensuring that your water chemistry levels are correct including pH, Alkalinity, and your hot tub sanitizer of choice (chlorine, bromine, salt, etc.). With testing, it’s easy to tell what chemicals need adjusting in order to maintain perfect water quality. Let’s jump in!
Keeping tabs on your hot tub water is easy and the best thing you can do to head off problems. Just keep some spa test strips on hand, and you're set.
Adding chemicals in the wrong order can cause cloudy water and prevent them from working. So here’s the right order to add hot tub chemicals.
Unsure how much chlorine to add to your hot tub? It only takes a little bit, but it depends on your spa size. Here's a quick guide.
Using bromine in your hot tub is eaiser than chlorine. But it only works if you know when to add it (with other chemicals). Here’s a quick guide.
Too much bromine in your hot tub? High bromine is bad for the spa itself and its users. Here's an easy way to lower bromine in your hot tub.
No. Hot tub cyanuric acid (also known as CYA or chlorine stabilizer) is not necessary. It can actually cause more harm than good. Let's learn more.
Thinking about kicking caustic chlorine to the curb? Consider switching to a hot tub mineral sanitizer for clean water, softer skin and easier maintenance.
Stumped about calcium hardness in your hot tub? How to raise or lower it? Avoid corrosion by learning the basics of calcium hardness.
The best way to raise alkalinity in your hot tub or swim spa is to use an Alkalinity Increaser (or baking soda). Here's a step-by-step guide.
High alkalinity causes major hot tub issues. But why is your alkalinity high? Let's start there and help lower the alkalinity in your hot tub.
There are a few hot tub chemicals you absolutely must have and some that aren't necessary. Here's the chemicals you need and how to add them.
Learn how to lower pH in a hot tub with pH Decreaser (Sodium Bisulfate). Here's how and the brand of pH Decreaser I prefer to use.
Looking for how to raise the pH in your hot tub? Or maybe how to lower the pH in your hot tub? Well, look no further. It's all right here.
Do you know how to shock your hot tub? All it takes is knowing what type of hot tub shock to use and when to add it.
Do you know which hot tub chemicals you need to keep the water balanced? What about when and how to add them? Get a hot tub chemistry education right here.
Too much chlorine in your hot tub? High chlorine levels can irritate your skin and damage your spa. Here's how to lower your chlorine easily.
What's better for sanitizing your hot tub? We compare chlorine vs bromine hot tub sanitizers. Find out which one's right for you.
Don’t know how many gallons of water are in your hot tub? How can you know whether you’re adding enough sanitizer? Don’t guess. Get the data you need.
If you aren't a fan of bromine and chlorine in your hot tub, these alternative sanitizers will give you more cleaning options for your water.