Pool water testing is a necessary part of pool ownership. The best way to keep your pool in the best condition possible is by doing regular checks for pH levels, chlorine levels, and other chemicals. Doing this will help you save money on chemicals while also keeping your swimmers healthy!
Exactly how much water does your pool hold? Use this pool volume calculator and reference chart to quickly find out.
Are you leaving some important substances out of your pool water testing? Learn what you might be missing, how it can affect your pool, and how to fix it.
We’ve put together a list of exceptional spa and pool chemical calculator apps you can use for water balancing and maintenance.
Looking for the best pool test kit? Here are the most accurate and reliable options for testing your pool water chemistry.
Need to test your pool water? Here's the right way to use pool test strips to get the most accurate reading.
If you know which pool chemicals to use and when, and how to balance your pool chemistry, you're well on your way to being an expert pool owner.